District Plans

La Plata County has 12 planning districts which have developed plans that establish the goals, policies and objectives to help guide future growth based on the unique characteristics of that area, and the desires of the residents.  These plans were developed by the residents between 1995-2007 and updated and adopted by the Planning Commission in 2019. The plans are advisory documents and are part of the La Plata County Comprehensive Plan, which sets the overarching goals, policies and objectives guiding growth for the county as a whole.  The Land Use Code provides the regulations that implement the goals, objectives and policies established by the area plans & comprehensive plans.

Planning Image

Background Documents

La Plata County District Plans' History & Purpose (pdf)
Role of Planning Commissions in Land Use Regulations (pdf) 
District Plans Legal Review Criteria (pdf) 
In late 2017, the Planning Commission and Planning staff began a project to update each district's plan in the county in order to ensure that the goals, policies and objectives for each plan reflect the community's interests, and engage the community in planning for the growth projected by the state demographer's office (see population graphic below). Updating the county's district plans was a community-driven process that relied on neighborhood input to help shape the goals, policies and objectives guiding growth in the county. The updated district plans embody the localized vision for each district in the future. This update effort concluded in November 2019 with the Planning Commission’s adoption of the district plans as evident in the respective district plan page (see menu to the left).

For information regarding Planning projects and upcoming meetings, subscribe to the Community Development Newsletter

Not Sure Which Planning District You're In?
View land use designations at  La Plata County GIS Mapping Service.

La Plata County Planning Districts

district plan
