Strategic Plan on Homelessness

This Strategic Plan on Homelessness was funded by La Plata County and the City of Durango and is the culmination of several months of listening, convening, and developing strategies with local community members to address this growing issue in the community.

The development of this Strategic Plan on Homelessness is grounded in one essential principle: balance all interests to produce the best possible outcomes for the community as a whole. Balancing all interests means that addressing homelessness will include meeting the needs of people who are unhoused or at risk of losing their housing and meeting the needs of all neighbors who wish to enjoy the beauty of this community with clean community spaces and to feel safe living here together.

The Strategic Implementation Plan is designed to serve as a framework for guiding and supporting successful implementation of strategic action items in the Actionable Management Plan and allow for nimble responses to challenges with implementation and emerging issues or
new opportunities. Grounded in both best practices and community dynamics and needs, this plan seeks to:
  1. Provide for an array of strategies built on common ground and effectively balance the array of interests in the community.
  2. Establish a systematic approach that aims to keep people housed or get them into housing as quickly as possible, enabling a future in which homelessness is rare, brief and one time whenever it can’t be fully prevented.
  3. Leverage existing strengths in order to create a much greater chance of success in reaching that major goal of preventing or limiting the occurrence of homelessness.
The Actionable Management Plan, describes the array of strategies planned in each strategic theme identified for viable action during the planning process, including Housing and Shelter, Health and Other Support Services, Safe and Clean Community, Connected Community and
Work that Works.