Office Hours in Bayfield and Ignacio

The La Plata County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO) Greg Dotson will hold office hours in Ignacio and Bayfield

Ignacio office hours will take place on the first Wednesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Ignacio Community Library, 470 Goddard Ignacio. 

Bayfield office hours will take place on the second Wednesday of each month from 9:00am to 12:00 pm at the Bayfield Senior Center.

These office times have been set up for veterans to meet with the County Veterans Service Officer and learn more about their veterans benefits.  Appointments can be made by calling 970-759-0117, but walk-ins are also welcome.

The main objective of the Veterans Service Office is to provide prevention, protection, advocacy and support services to veterans and their families so they can maximize their quality of life, well-being and potential. Every veteran is encouraged to contact the CVSO to find out more about their VA benefits.

The La Plata County Veterans Service Officer is looking forward to meeting with Ignacio and Bayfield-area veterans each month at these new out-reach locations. 

For additional information, please call the Veterans Services Office at 970-759-0117.