Resource Documents

Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire La Plata County Recommendations
Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) connected representatives from La Plata County, local fire districts, nonprofit partners and other agencies with foresters, risk modelers, land use planners and researchers to identify opportunities to address wildfire in land use planning practices. The effort analyzed La Plata County’s current policies and regulations resulting in this report making recommendations to improve safety and reduce wildfire threat to homes and businesses in LPC.

Cost of Growth Study
What type (and where) does new development pay for itself? An analysis of the cost of La Plata County services and property tax payments.

Trails Plan (2000)
Prepared following an evaluation of trails and trail needs in the county, the plan emphasizes strategic additions and improvements to the county's existing trail system in order to promote safety, reduce conflicts; and better connect schools, neighborhoods, business and recreation areas. The plan recognizes the need to respect the rights of private property owners while taking into account the legitimate public need for safe roads and trails, and reasonable access to public lands.The plan is an active, living document, identifying trail needs and opportunities with an eye to the future. Periodic updates to the plan should reflect changing conditions, thereby preserving its relevance.

Trails Needs Map and Legend
Map 1
Map 2
Map 3
Map 4
Map 5
Map 6
Map 7
Resolution 2000-5