Procedures and Forms

Historic Preservation Review Procedures:

  1. Complete the application for nomination and submit it to the La Plata County Planning Department.

  2. The County Historic Preservation Planner will contact you if there are questions, and to inform you of the Historic Preservation Review Commission recommendation.

  3. The Historic Preservation Review Commission (HPRC) reviews applications for nomination to the County Historic Register and makes a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners.

  4. You will receive a copy of the report and the date of the Board of County Commissioners consideration of the nomination. You must attend this meeting for your nomination to be acted on.

  5. The Board of County Commissioners makes the final determination based on a report from County Planning Staff which includes the HPRC recommendation.

  6. If the Board approves the nomination, you will receive a framed certificate and plaque to display on the structure or site.

  7. Structures / sites determined to be eligible for the La Plata County Historic Register are adopted by Resolution.

  8. The County Clerk and Recorder maintains the County Historic Register by way of recording the Board-adopted Resolution.

  9.  The County Planning Department Historic Preservation Planner maintains the project files which contain details of the nomination. This information is provided to the State and is available to the public.

Historic Preservation Forms: