Domestic Violence Resources

Facts About Domestic Violence:

  • Domestic violence occurs within all groups, socioeconomic levels, religions, backgrounds, genders, and cultures.
  • Domestic violence, sometimes referred to as intimate-partner violence, is not simply about violence. It is a systematic pattern of power and control exerted by one person over another that can result in many forms and degrees of intrusiveness and aggression, including emotional, verbal, financial, sexual, and physical, as well as stalking behaviors.
  • Abuse can persist, and may escalate, after one person has acted to end a relationship.
  • Abuse does not always include physical violence and assault; when it does, there may be no outward signs of injury.
  • Warning signs of domestic violence vary widely, and can be hard to spot if it happens gradually or if a person experiencing abuse is particularly isolated. Visit this site for more information.
  • Victimization occurs in all types of relationships and, despite a common misconception, is not limited to cisgender female victims in heterosexual relationships.
  • The effects of trauma caused by domestic abuse and violence can last a lifetime and persist across generations. Knowledgeable help and support can help survivors and their children move beyond the effects of trauma and forge safe, stable lives.
  • If it is safe, reach out to Alternative Horizon's hotline to receive knowledgeable help and support: 970-247-9619.
Cycle-of-Abuse  Gender-Neutral-Power-Control-1

How To Help Someone Who Is Being Abused:

  • Believe. You may the first person they have trusted to tell.
  • Tell your friend or loved one that abuse is not their fault and that no one deserves to be abused.
  • Don’t assume that leaving is the best and safest choice, as violence can escalate when a person leaves an abusive relationship.
  • Let your friend or loved one know that help, including Alternative Horizon's confidential hotline, is available 24/7/365 at 970-946-9619.
  • Let your friend or loved one know that AH can confidentially discuss resources and safety planning strategies tailored to their individual experiences and needs.